Rentals and Distribution

While CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd is holding the settlement land in trust, it will distribute rentals from the Crown Forest Licences (CFLs) on these lands back to iwi members annually, using the agreed proportions that were part of the Deed of Settlement (DOS).

The accumulated rentals, or "cash" portion of the CNI Forests Collective Settlement, came to around $250 million. It was transferred to CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd and from there it was distributed out to the individual iwi PSGEs using the Initial Agreed Proportions.

The annual rental income from the CNI forests land (approximately $15 million for FY09/10) will be distributed to all shareholders using the Collective's and Crown Agreed Proportions.

Collective's Agreed Proportions and Initial Agreed Proportions:

Iwi Governance Entity Collective's Agreed Proportions Calculation Initial Agreed Proportions
Ngai Tuhoe Tuhoe Establishment Trust 26.3125% x 0.9 23.68125%
Ngāti Tuwharetoa Tuwharetoa Settlement Trust 25.9125% x 0.9 23.32125%
The Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi/Hapu Te Pumautanga O Te Arawa Trust 15.6125% x 0.9 14.05125%
Raukawa Raukawa Settlement Trust 14.2125% x 0.9 12.79125%
Ngāti Manawa Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Manawa Trust 6.0125% x 0.9 5.41125%
Ngāti Whare Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Whare Trust 4.7125% x 0.9 4.24125%
Ngāti Whakaue Te Komiti Nui O Ngāti Whakaue Trust 3.6125% x 0.9 3.25125%
Ngāti Rangitihi Te Mana O Ngāti Rangitihi Trust 3.6125% x 0.9 3.25125%
Crown 10%


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